Born 24 April 1847 Dublin or Carlow, baptised 24 August 1847 at Carlow Parish in the County of Carlow, Ireland the daughter of Anne and Robert McClelland.

Arrived Lyttelton on the “Wiltshire” 17 February 1877. She married 18 June 1882 Methodist Church, Addington by R. Taylor. Witnessed by Mary Taylor and Alice Bell. Died 17 June 1907 aged 60 years.

Her brother Paul Hamilton McClelland at his home in
Mendocino, California.
Some notes on William Hay
1860 - labourer, Granshaw, county Down, Ireland
After his arrival in New Zealand, William may have worked on the Lyttelton rail tunnel and on road construction. (Refer conversions with Rene Tonkin, Tom Gudsell and Mary Scott, however they may be confused with their other grandfather, Thomas Gudsell who worked on the tunnel.)
January 1871 - a note on passenger list of the Charlotte Gladstone “sent for by Wm Hay, Courtenay.”
1871 - Isabella Hay born in Christchurch
10 May 1872 - William registered the birth of his niece Mary Jane Hay, signing “William Hay, Courtenay.”
After 8 November 1872 - William registered the birth of his niece Mary Jane Harvey, signing “William Hay, Courtenay.”
April 1873 - Isabella Hay buried Templeton
June 1873 - Eliza Hay born Courtenay
October 1873 - Eliza Hay buried Templeton
December 1874 - Mary Hay died Rolleston
Sheep Returns, Rolleston 1881 - 660 sheep
Sheep Returns, Rolleston 1882 - 200 sheep
1882 - Freeholders Returns. Farmer, Rolleston
220 acres valued at £1760
June 1882 - living Rolleston, married Caroline McClelland in Christchurch. Her brother served in the American Civil War. Later settled in Mendocino, California.
Sheep Returns, Rolleston 1883 - 195 sheep
December 1883 - Mamie and William born in Christchurch
Sheep Returns, Rolleston 1884 - 370 sheep
Sheep Returns, Rolleston 1885 - 490 sheep
1885/6 farmer Rolleston, refer Wises Directory
Sheep Returns, Rolleston 1886 - 385 sheep
January 1887 farmer of Rolleston,
Leonard born Lincoln Road, Christchurch, Caroline of Spreydon, Christchurch
1887/8 farmer Rolleston, refer Wises Directory
1888 - farmer of Rolleston
1890/1 farmer, Timaru, refer Wises Directory
5 November 1890 - Sarah Jane Hay of Timaru married Samuel McMurray
26 May 1891 - Mamie Hay admitted Main School, Timaru.Parent shown as Mrs Hay, Main Road, Timaru
December 1891 – Mamie leaves Main School
13 February 1893 – Mamie admitted Main School parent shown as Mrs Hay, Main South Road, Timaru
2 February 1897 – Mamie and Leonard admitted to South School, parent William Hay, Wellington Street, Timaru.
Children left school to go to Christchurch, no date given.
About 1898 William and Caroline separated and Caroline went back to live in Christchurch taking her children.
24 December 1898 - Caroline Hay, storekeeper brought a property on Accommodation Road, Richmond, Christchurch for £350, from Henry Fuller, RS 78 part 78. Accommodation Street has been now renamed, probably now London Street; the land was on the north side of the road, the second section west of intersection with Perth Street. Her house in Christchurch was called “Moira” a place name from Northern Ireland.
1918 - died intestate, retired farmer, value of estate about £3,000. Samuel McMurray was to administer property in Christchurch valued at £2,000 (shares in Grassy Hills farm?)
What ship did William Hay arrive on?
William left Ireland before the birth of Sarah Jane Hay therefore if he came directly to New Zealand he would have arrived between 1 November 1863 and 1 August 1864.
Ships arriving at Lyttelton direct from Britain in this period were:
§ Pekin 30 Nov. 1863 not on passenger list
§ Bahia 7 Dec 1863 not on passenger list - 2 unnamed
§ Brother’s Pride 7 Dec 1863 no details about pass.
§ Zealandia 8 December 1863 not on passenger list
§ Derwentwater 2 January 1864 not on passenger list
§ Canterbury 10 Jan 1864 373 unnamed Govt. imm.
§ Tiptree 20 January 1864 not on passenger list
§ Alpaca 26 January 1864 not on passenger list
§ Parisian 18 Mar 1864 15 unnamed steerage pass.
§ Indian Empire 23 March 1864 unnamed 280 imm.
§ Durban 3 May 1864 not on passenger list
§ others?
William may not have gone directly to New Zealand or he may have arrived via another New Zealand port or Australia.
I recently saw a photo which showed Caroline Hay's grave in the Addington cemetery. She was buried with her friend Mary Jane Prideaux. I believe Mary Jane is the sister of my Great Great Grandmother. Does anyone have any additional information which could help me confirm this? Dot Skewes