Friday, May 7, 2010

Press Release: Yani Johanson

Councillor Welcomes School of Music Resource Consent Decline
Yani Johanson, Christchurch City Councillor: 7 May 2010

"I welcome the decision by the Commissioners to decline the University's School of Music consent at the historic Arts Centre. The decision confirms my personal belief all along that this proposal was contrary to the basic principles of heritage protection that are in the City Plan. It is a true shame that before agreeing to the $24 million dollar loan, Councillors were not presented with a heritage assessment which would of proved this point.

The fact that this development was of such magnitude meant it was always going to be problematic for it to occupy the location it had chosen. The citizens of Christchurch cherish the historic value and unique nature of the Arts Centre. This decision highlights how important it is that any new development must be sympathetic in scale and character. I commend those who fought to stop the proposal from destroying the special qualities of the Arts Centre and the Dux De Lux. Their concerns have been vindicated.

I now call on the University and the Council to abandon its ludicrous proposal by not appealing this damning decision. It would simply be a waste of time and money for all involved to continue to push this unacceptable concept on a city and a community that does not want it."

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