Lieutenant Anderson's Album
Canterbury Engineers

Canterbury Engineers. After the parade of the Canterbury Engineers last night a meeting of the Company was held in the Orderly-room, Captain Webster presiding. Sergeant-Major Lawrence, by permission of the captain, presented Lieutenant Anderson with a handsome album, containing portraits of eight noncommissioned officers whom he had prepared for their examination in the special work of the Company. They had all passed with credit, and were, it is stated, the first non-commissioned officers in Canterbury who had passed in any special branch of the work laid down by the new regulations. They showed their appreciation of their instructor by presenting him with the album, the title page of which was handsomely illuminated by Mr A. M. Owen [Alexander Milsted Owen], and bore the signatures of the donors.

Lieutenant Anderson thanked the noncommissioned officers for their gift, and said that he would be only too happy to instruct any other members of the Company who might come forward. Copies of the photograph of the non-commissioned officers were also presented to Captain Webster and Lieutenant M'Gee, who suitably acknowledged them.
A sterling silver cup, presented by the surgeon of the Company, Dr Moorhoure, as a shooting prize, was received, as was a silver cup presented by Mr Sandstein, to be competed for by the signallers of the Company. Lieutenant Anderson's health was drunk with musical honours, and, after spending some time in conviviality, the members of the Company separated.
Star, Issue 6811, 26 March 1890, Page 3

George Kent Fisher Lawrence, Sergeant Major
Thomas Henry Kay, Quarter-master Sergeant
Albert Partridge, Sergeant
W. J Lebren [Le Cren?], Sergeant
Henry Munday Mardon, Sergeant
George Dennis, Sergeant
John Thomas Midgley, Sergeant
David Lee, Corporal
The other remaining cabinet cards from the album are as follows.

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