Monday, July 19, 2010

New Zealand War Medal

New Zealand War Medal.— Mr G. H. Merson, of Christchurch, formerly of the Royal Navy, received by the Nevada a medal for the New Zealand war of 1845-46. Mr Merson was in H.M S. Castor during that campaign, having previously served in China and India, and subsequently in the Crimea, for which he holds a medal. Mr Merson also holds a medal for the China campaign noted above, and is entitled to a medal for the Indian campaign. In addition to these, he holds a medal for "meritorious service " in saving life. This medal is given by the Marine Society. We may add that Mr Merson was the means of saving the life of the late Mr Peacock, father of Mr J. T. Peacock, while off Norfolk Island, in 1846. Mr Peacock, having lost a vessel in the Bay of Islands, had obtained a passage to Sydney in H.M.S Castor, and was washed overboard during a heavy gale, while the ship was lying to.

The medal for the campaign of 1845-46 is believed to be the only one that has been received by a resident in New Zealand. On one side is a finely cut portrait of Her Majesty, and on the other a wreath in relief enclosing the date of the campaign, with the words "New Zealand, Virtutis Honor" The medal is on view at the establishment of Messrs G. Coates and Co., Colombo street.
Star , Issue 1009, 11 May 1871, Page 2

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