Harewood, one of New Zealand's best airports.
The international airport at Harewood, less than 8 miles by road north-west of Christchurch, is one of the finest airports in New Zealand. There are two sealed strips, the longest (running NE-SW across the photograph) having a length of 5700 feet, with unobstructed approaches. There is ample room for extensions and provision is being made for use by jet airliners. This airfield was begun in 1935 for civil flying, which up to that time had been centred at Wigram, established through the generosity of Sir Henry Wigram. Wigram was the terminal of the first trans-Tasman flight in 1928 and subsequently became an RNZAF station. Regular services to and from Melbourne commenced in 1951 and Harewood is now a busy airport for internal airlines, aerial work operations and the Canterbury Aero Club. The airport is municipally owned and is in the Paparua County. (White's Pictorial Reference of New Zealand)

Paul Pascoe's Terminal Building
After the Government approved the construction of a permanent terminal building, Pascoe visited 45 overseas airports to produce the imaginative design. Estimated to cost £310,000 the Government was eventually persuaded to accept the plans and agreed to pay its full half-share. The terminal building was opened in February 1960.

Christchurch International Airport
Christchurch International Airport
The Airport Reception

The Airport Overseas Lounge (Creative Canterbury 1965 - Industrial Heart of the South)
Hello, I'm keen to contact the owner of earlycanterbury.blogspot.co.nz to find out about possible usage permissions on one of these images, but there doesn't seem to be a contact area or name. I'd be grateful if you could get back to me on jane@threehats.co.nz
Hello, I don't who can contact for permission to use these photos, I guess some are over 50 years old and could be out of copyright.